

自恋者心理更健康?自恋者容易给人留下良好的第一印象?自恋,作为一种性格特质,通常带有贬义,但同时也可以是一种自信的积极态度。科学研究发现刘小涛 ,邹智文适度自恋有利于个人发展,让你更容易走上人生巅峰。

Narcissistic people can sometimes be psychologically healthier than other people
Five studies, published in 2004 in the journalPersonality Processes and Individual Differences, looked at some benefits of narcissism. Hundreds of people participated.2004年,《性格养成与个性差异》刊登了五项有关自恋益处的研究萨凡纳猫 ,有数百人参与其中。
Results showed that narcissists tended to be less depressed, lonely, anxious, and neurotic, and reported greater well-being than people who scored low on narcissism.结果显示,自恋者往往更不容易抑郁、孤单、焦虑、神经质,他们的幸福感比不自恋的人更强烈。
"High narcissists may be socially callous, but that is no reason for them not to be psychologically healthy. To use a far-fetched metaphor, the mind of a narcissist is like a sports utility vehicle. It is great to be in the driving seat三江人才网, but fellow motorists must watch out, lest a collision with this mobile fortress demolish their more humble hatchbacks."“高度自恋的人可能冷酷无情,但是他们不会心理不健康。打个牵强的比喻,自恋者的心理就像是一辆运动型多用途汽车(SUV),坐在驾驶座上的感觉很好。但其他司机必须要小心避免和这座移动堡垒发生碰撞,毁掉自己更加低调的小轿车。

Being moderately narcissistic seems to protect against social anxiety适度自恋似乎能缓解社交焦虑
A 2010 study published in the journalPersonality and Individual Differences, found that female college students who scored moderately high on a measure of narcissism were less worried about the way their bodies looked during exercise.2010年刊登在《性格与个体差异》上的一项研究发现:在锻炼时女拳霸,稍微自恋一点的女大学生更不担心自己的身材看起来如何。曾宝玲

Narcissistic adolescents and young adults tend to be more satisfied with life than their peers
The takeaway from a 2012 study, published in the journalSocial Psychological and Personality Science, is that narcissism is more beneficial for younger people.《社会心理与性格科学》上一项2012年的研究发现,自恋对年轻人更有益。
For the study, 368 college students and 439 of their family members filled out surveys on narcissism, life satisfaction, and personality traits. "Our findings suggest that the link between narcissism and life satisfaction is greater for adolescents and young adults than for adults空中怪车 ," the authors write.在该研究中,368名大学生和他们的439名家庭成员填写了一份关于自恋、生活满意度、性格特质的问卷。研究作者称:“结果显示,相比于成年人,在青少年和年轻群体中不死医神,自恋和生活满意度的关系更大。”
Specifically, participants who were younger than 26 who displayed certain types of narcissism reported higher life satisfaction and well-being; mothers of students who displayed the same traits did not.特别是在26岁以下的受访者中吕后传奇 ,自恋者的生活满意度和幸福感都更高;但有自恋特征的学生妈妈中,并没有出现这个现象。
That said, the study also found narcissists of all ages were generally perceived more negatively by others.然而,研究也发现,无论处于哪个年龄段,自恋者得到的他人反馈都更负面。

Narcissists tend to make great first impressions自恋者容易给人留下良好的第一印象
But those positive impressions deteriorate quickly.但这种好印象很快就会褪去天眼神牛 。
Two studies published 1998, in the Journal ofPersonality and Social Psychology, found thatnarcissistic college students were at first perceived as agreeable and well-adjusted by their peers.1998年《个性与社会心理学期刊》刊登的两项研究发现红尘恋歌,自恋的大学生给同龄人留下的第一印象是和蔼可亲、适应性强。
Interestingly, after a few weeks, those perceptions become more negative: Narcissists were perceived as less agreeable and well-adjusted, and more hostile and arrogant, than other students.但有趣的是,几周过后,这种好印象就变差了:相比于其他人,自恋者给人留下的印象变得更不好相处,适应性更差,更不友善、傲慢。

Being slightly narcissistic is linked to having strong relationships轻度自恋和稳固的感情关系存在联系
In "Rethinking Narcissism," Harvard Medical School psychologist Craig Malkin gives a definition of healthy narcissism: being able to move "seamlessly between self-absorption and caring attentiveness."哈佛大学医学院心理学专家克雷格·马尔金在《反思自恋》一书中给“健康自恋”下了定义:能够在“专注自我和关怀体贴之间无缝切换”。
Malkin and a colleague developed the Narcissistic Spectrum Scale, on which two key indicators of healthy narcissism are responding "no" to the statements, "I like to dream big, but not at the expense of my relationships" and "I can rein myself in when people tell me I'm getting a big head."他和一名同事研发了“自恋指数谱”,其中“健康自恋”的两个关键标志就是“两个不”:“我喜欢远大的梦想,但不会以我的感情关系为代价”、“当别人说我自以为是时,我可以控制自己”。
If you do score high on healthy narcissism, Malkin writes,you're likely to have an easy time giving and receiving emotional support, and to enjoy closeness and emotional intimacy.马尔金写道,如果你的“健康自恋”得分很高,那么你可能很容易给予或获得情感支持,并且享受亲密关系。

1. 他们感觉自己与众不同
They feel different from others.
2. 他们缺少同理心
They lack empathy.
心理学家约瑟夫·布尔戈(Joseph Burgo)认为,自恋者的第一大特点是对其他人缺乏兴趣,并且他们无法设想别人的感受。
3. 他们需要有人来仰慕他们
They need people to admire them.
自恋者喜欢被人称赞,而且常常觉得别人的确会称赞他们,如果别人没有做出这种举动垚的读音 ,他们甚至会感到惊讶或者疑惑。
4. 他们对社会地位很敏感
They care about status.
5. 他们太过自我中心,听不进别人讲话
They are too self-absorbed to listen to you.
