
一、 前言

松露(学名:Truffle)是一种蕈类的总称百货公司招聘 ,大约有10种不同的品种,通常是一年生的真菌,多数在阔叶树的根部着丝生长,一般生长在松树、栎树、橡树下。散布于树底方圆120~150厘米,块状主体藏于地下3~40厘米。分布在意大利、法国、西班牙、中国、新西兰等国。松露食用气味特殊,含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸等营养物质。松露对生长环境的要求极其苛刻,且无法人工培育,产量稀少,导致了它的珍稀昂贵。因此欧洲人将松露与鱼子酱、鹅肝并列“世界三大珍肴”。
松露有很高的药用价值,与琼珍灵芝林中灵并称为免疫之王蜀山仙侠传 ,是提升人体免疫最好的食物新中超客栈。


《永远的普罗旺斯》 一把椅子,一缕时光,一颗摆脱焦灼的心,跟随梅尔在普罗旺斯留驻安宁。那一年,彼得·梅尔移居法国普罗旺斯,难抑对当地风情民俗的喜爱,写下《普罗旺斯的一年》(A Year in Provence),成就经典,在全球掀起追求质感生活的风尚那曲锅庄。

几年之后,沉浸在普罗旺斯生活中的梅尔,滤去初来的新鲜,用朴素又浓烈的文字,记下这片土地上最寻常不过的生活趣味、人情故事,展现独特风景下普罗旺斯人的独特情怀,是为《永远的普罗旺斯》(Toujours Provence)。

以下文字摘自《 永远的普罗旺斯》
 在《永远的普罗旺斯》里,彼得.梅尔通过电视画面,为我们描述了普罗旺斯农民用猪“拱”松露的神奇画面。他老人家写得颇为风趣花姐是谁 。请看手机大屏幕!
以下文字来自《永远的普罗旺斯》(Toujours Provence):

the van shuddered ,and then,inch by inch ,the dirty pink profile of a pig's head emerged .The old man tugged again ,harder ,and the monstrous creature swayed unsteadily down the ramp ,twitching its ears and blinking .I half expected it to follow its master's example and leer at the camera,but it just stood in the sun ,vast,placid ,unaffected by stardom.
大意:箱式货车剧烈抖动,脏兮兮的猪头粉红色轮廓一寸寸地出现在(电视画面里)。老人又用力拖了一下,那个体型硕大的生物摇晃不稳地走下坡道,耳朵抽动致命感冒 ,眼睛忽闪。我原以为,它会学它的主人色眯眯地盯着摄像机,但它站在阳光下,体型巨大,宁静平和,不为明星身份所动。

 'last year ,'said Alain ,'that pig found nearly 300 kilos of truffles .Un bon paquet.'
I coul hardly believe it .I was looking at an animal that earned more last year than most of those executives in London ,and all without the benefit of a car phone .
The old man and the pig wandered off into the trees as though they were taking an aimless stroll, two rotund figures dappled by the winter sunshine .The screen went dark as the camera swooped down to a close-up of a pair of boots and across to a patch of earth .A muddy snout the size of a drainpipe poked into the shot ,and the pig got down to work ,its snout moving rhythmically back and forth , ears flopping over its eyes , a single-minded earth-moving machine.
The pig's head jerked ,and the camera drew back to show the old man pulling on the rope .The pig was reluctant to leave what was obviously a highly desirable smell.
大意:猪头猛的一动卫夫子 ,摄像机摇回,画面显示老人正在拽拴猪的绳子。猪不愿意离开,那气味显然非常性感。
'The scent of truffles to a pig ,'said Alain ,'is sexual '.That is why one sometimes has difficulty persuading him to move .'
大意: 艾伦说:“对猪来说,松露的气味是能刺激性欲的。这就是为什么有时让它离开松露很困难。
The old man was having no luck with the rope .He bent down and put his shoulder against the pig's flank ,and the two of them heaved against each other until the pig grudgingly gave way .The old man reached into his pocket and palmed something into the pig's mouth .Surely he wasn't feeding it truffles at 50 francs a bite?
大意: 老人并不幸运,他没拽动那根绳子。他低下身子,将肩膀抵在猪的侧腹修罗之宠 。他们开始角力,直到猪不情愿地退却了。老人伸手从口袋里抓了一把东西,放进猪的嘴里。当然,他不是在喂它50法郎一口的松露。
'Acorns ,'saidn Alain. 'Now watch.'
大意: 艾伦说:“橡子,现在你看。”
The kneeling figure straightened up from the earth and turned to the camera, one hand outstretched .In it was a truffle slightly bigger than a golf ball张陈平,and in the background the old peasant's smiling face , sun glinting on his gold fillings .The truffle went into a stained canvas satchel, and pig and peasant moved onto the next tree.The sequence finished with a shot of the old man holding out both hands 庚寅日柱 ,谢振南 which were piled high with muddy lumps .A good morning's work .
大意: 跪着的身影从地上站直,老头转向摄像机,伸开了一只手。手中的松露比一只高尔夫球稍大。作为背景,老农民笑容灿烂,阳光下,他的金锉金光闪闪。松露被装进了着色的帆布包,猪和老农移到下一棵树下。这一片段结束了,老人伸出双手,泥巴巴的块状松露堆得老高都市疯神榜 。这一早的工作干得不错。

一头猪拱一棵白菜并不难,难的是一辈子都拱白菜;一辈子拱白菜并不难,难的是还能拱点别的。重返猛鬼屋。哈迷蚩。白清明 。。。